Printable Baby Flash Cards

Download and Print High-Contrast Baby Flash Cards from the Infant Zoo

Infant Zoo Baby Flash Cards: The B&W Collection

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baby flash cards

High-contrast flashcards are a great way to stimulate your baby and help them develop their eyesight.

These black and white Infant Zoo flashcards are perfect for when you‘re on the go with your little one or even when you’re at home.

Easily print these at home or take them to a professional printer for highest quality results. To make them last longer, try printing them on a heavy card stock and/ or laminating them.

Baby flash cards are great for:

  • Tummy time stimulation

  • Diaper change entertainment

  • On the go time in the car or in a stroller

  • Nursery or playroom decorations

  • Attaching to a overhead mobile or play gym 

  • Play mat time

  • Memory game for the whole family

How to use baby flash cards:

Using black and white images is a simple way to help your baby exercise their eyes and develop their vision. Here are some ideas on how to engage with your little one:

  1. Place the images about 12 inches away from your infant’s face. Let you baby look at the same image until it looks away or loses interest. You may find you baby starting at the same image for up to minutes at at time.
  2. When they lose interest in one picture, move to the next one.
  3. Show you baby high-contrast images during tummy time or during alert ‘play’ times.


Infant Zoo Baby Flash Cards: The B&W Collection

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iPad app with black and white pictures for infants

Benefits of black and white baby flash cards:

  • High contrast images help activate a baby’s early brain development and are powerful learning tools.
  • Black and white pictures stimulate sensory activity. As your baby reacts to the imagery, they develop movement and dexterity as they try to interact with the images.
  • Black and white pictures help babies develop visual perception. Your baby’s vision and recognition skill increase as they view images of animals, faces, shape and common objects as well as simple repeating patterns.

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    “The infant in arms has far greater mental energies than are usually imagined.”
    Maria Montessori
    The Absorbent Mind